Dash water

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British water DASH without calories, added sugar or sweetener is gaining ground on the international market with premium water. Because it's not just ordinary premium water. It has been produced in the UK since 2017 using clean water from the British Isles and locally grown fruit and vegetables.

Support for regional farmers in the UK
DASH Water supports many British farmers by focusing on quality rather than appearance when buying fruit and vegetables. For example, 547,000 kg of fruit and vegetables were saved before being discarded. In professional jargon, the fruits are called Wonky Fruits.

What are Wonkey Fruits?
Wonkey Fruits are vegetables and fruits that, due to their appearance, cannot be sold in retail because they have minor imperfections or do not correspond to the ideal size or shape required in retail. Tons of fruits and vegetables are thrown away every year. To prevent this, DASH Water also buys not so nice fruits and vegetables to avoid disposing of GOOD food unnecessarily, because no farmer or farmer will voluntarily watch for good fruits and vegetables to be thrown away.